Contact Us
Contact Us
Please contact us if you have any questions, we will respond to your email as soon as possible. Due to being in session, it may take up to 4 hours to respond during normal business hours.
If you are looking for a same day appointment please call or text 636-294-6200 and leave a message.
Complete FX is a Therapeutic Practice offering massage therapy.
My goal is to provide a safe and secure environment for all of my clients. Everyone is treated with the highest level of care, respect, modesty and compassion. Ultimately every visit should be a positive experience. If you have specific goals or areas of concern, please discuss them with me before, during and after your session. I am here to support your journey, and two-way communication is an important part of our work together. Feel free to call or email if you have any questions. I would be happy to discuss a treatment plan that suits your needs.
Professional Boundaries: Requests for sexual activity will not be tolerated, will be viewed as solicitation, and reported to proper authorities if the therapist chooses, under the guidelines of the Massage Therapy policies and procedures the client will not be rescheduled if this occurs. Sexual interaction or discussion of any kind between the client and therapist is NEVER appropriate.
I have the right to refuse service and therapist or client may end the session at anytime. If the therapist ends the session due to sexual misconduct full payment is due.
Client Boundaries: The client may choose to leave on as much clothing as needed for comfort, refuse any massage methods, and stop the massage at any time. The client will be modestly draped. Only the area being massaged will be undraped. Clients will be kept informed of the area that is being massaged. Occasionally an emotional response to massage occurs. If this happens, it is OK to express feelings in this safe and non-judgmental environment or you may request privacy and end the session. You are in control.
Confidentiality: The discussion between therapist and client is confidential. The client may or may not choose to talk during the session. I require all of my clients to fill out a health history form before the start of the initial session. All information is kept confidential. If necessary, I will request to speak with any and all medical professionals who are providing care in order to determine if the therapy is contraindicated. As with any type of treatment follow up sessions are encouraged. Although symptoms can be addressed during a single session most chronic conditions require consistent sessions.
Cancellation: 24 hour advance notice is required when canceling or rescheduling. This allows the opportunity for someone else to schedule an appointment. Same day cancellations will be subject to a $35.00 fee. I understand that unanticipated events happen occasionally in everyone’s life. NO Show policy is 50% of service, no less than $35.
Car problems, illness and inclement weather are just a few reasons why one might consider canceling an appointment. My desire is to be fair and effective to all of my clients.
Sickness: If a client presents with signs and or symptoms of illness that contraindicates massage (fever, undiagnosed rash, contagious infection) the session will be rescheduled. This is to protect both the client and the therapist. If you are sick, coming in for a massage will not make you feel better and you risk infecting your therapist and other clients. Please call and reschedule your appointment. In the event of an illness a minimum of 6 hours will be required to cancel.
No-Shows: Anyone who either forgets or consciously chooses to forgo their appointment for whatever reason will be considered a “no-show”. They will be charged a minimum of 50 percent of their regular fee for the visit and future service will be denied until payment is made.
Note: Repeated occurrence of late arrivals, late cancellations or no shows and or refusal to pay for additional fees applied in connection with these policies may result in dismissal from the practice. I agree to respect your time and any of your appointments scheduled with me. I will attempt to begin your appointments on time and notify you as soon as I can if any appointment needs to be rescheduled or canceled.
Payment: Payment in full is expected after treatment. All clients, whether they have received treatment or booked an appointment, are bound by this policy without prejudice or exception. Preferred forms of payment are cash and credit cards. Local checks are accepted with a valid driver’s license.